We are dedicated to pursuits that are balanced and sustainable.
We are committed to land development with a full range of housing, employment opportunities, and education.
We belive in the protection of farmland, environmental resources and open spaces.
We have a specific focus on water supply, regulatory matters, environmental, air quality and recreation.
Zenobia Realty Company & Ewell Group
Austin is a consultant and a licensed CA Attorney-at-Law specializing in land use, water, and regulatory matters.
Austin b. ewell iii
Austin B. Ewell III is the President of KAN Ventures, Inc. doing business as Ewell Group. Ewell Group is involved in water, farming, land use, environmental resources, government solutions and consulting. That includes land development with a full range of housing, employment opportunities and education. The protection of farmland, environmental resources and open spaces. With a specific focus on water supply, regulatory matters, environmental, air quality and recreation.
We are dedicated to pursuits that are balanced and sustainable.
Austin is a licensed consultant who specializes in land use, water and regulatory matters. Austin is a licensed California attorney-at-law and also owner and real estate broker of record for the Ewell Group and Zenobia Realty Company.